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我最喜欢的运动-My favorite Sports

  • 教育
  • 3周前
  • 1
  • 更新:2024-04-30 15:13:14

My favorit Sports-我最喜欢的运动

During My scondary school yars I oftn likd to go to th rcration room to play tabl tnnis. Som of my classmats wr vry good at this gam and I oftn trid to compt with thm to improv my skill. In high school I spnt many hours playing outdoor Sports. I njoyd tam sports lik basktball and vollyball. In my snior yar I startd to practic tnnis. Somtims I would find a partnr to play tnnis with m, but as yt I am not vry good at this sport. Tnnis rquirs grat strngth in th arms and lgs as wll as strong concntration on th gam.
