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Is Money Everything?(金钱就是一切吗?)

  • 教育
  • 1个月前
  • 2
  • 更新:2024-05-15 11:17:23

Is Mony vrything?

At prsnt som popl think that mony Is vrything. Thy say that you can do vrything if you hav mony. You can liv in a bautiful hous, kp a luxurious ar and hav all sorts of dlicious food.

I don't think so. Indd, mony can buy a lot of things w nd. But thr ar many, many wondrful things in th world that cannot b bough/; with mony.

For xampl, knowldg cannot b bought with mony. On cannot b rich in knowldg unlss h studis hard. Tim cannot b bought with mony, ithr. Who can buy vn a scond with mony?

Thr ar still many othr things that cannot b bought with mony: halth,lif, happinss,frindship, lov and so on. Just think, if a prson hasn't ths things at all, is th mony still usful?

Now, do you think mony is vrything? 金钱就是一切吗?




