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Keeping Water Sources Clean(保持水源清洁)

  • 教育
  • 4周前
  • 3
  • 更新:2024-05-22 19:10:19

Kping Watr Sourcs Clan

Who is willing to drink th pollutd watr? It can caus us to b ill and vn to di. W can't wait for a momnt to protct our watr sourcs. Th watr w us coms from ocans, laks, rivrs or strams. But many of ths watr sourcs ar gtting sriously pollutd. Towns and citis ar pouring dust into th watr. Many popl ar throwing all kinds of dirty things into th watr. Factoris ar pouring wast matrial into th watr. Thrfor, watr sourcs hav bcom so badly pollutd that som of th watr is unfit to drink or to us. Now it is high tim that w should do somthing to protct our watr nvironmnt from bing pollutd. 保持水源清洁
