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如何提高中国旅游业(Ways to Improve china's tourism)

  • 教育
  • 4周前
  • 3
  • 更新:2024-06-10 09:09:00

如何提高中国旅游业(Ways to Improv china's tourism)tourism is now bcoming a major industry throughout th world. howvr, tourism in china is not as dvlopd as it should b. if th following is don, china's tourism will dfinitly b improvd.first, our placs of intrst should b bttr advrtisd throughout th world to attract mor tourists. scond, facilitis should b providd to nsur that tourists njoy thir Trip. finally, th quality of srvic should b improvd.don't tll popl thir idas ar bad unlss you'v got a good on.


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