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A Letter for Help-一封求助信

  • 教育
  • 2天前
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  • 更新:2024-06-30 19:03:00

A Lttr for Hlp-一封求助信 A Lttr for Hlp

DAr Uncl,

How ar you?

Nxt wk an nglish spaking contst will b hld in th city. A classmat of min and I will tak part in it on bhalf of my school. I am xcitd but also mrvous, bcaus it is a good chanc to improv my nglish. But I hav no xprinc. Although I hav bn prparing for th contst, I am still not confidnt. As an xprt in nglish, what would you advis m to prpar for th contst?

I plan to pay a visit to you this Saturday morning. I wondr whthr you will b fr thn. If not, could you tll m th tim that is convnint for you? I am agr to gt your instruction. I will apprciat any of your hlp.

Your nic,

Yang Mi






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