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谈孤独-On Solitude

  • 教育
  • 2周前
  • 3
  • 更新:2024-06-20 11:00:07

On Solitud-谈孤独

I find it wholsom to b alOn th gratr part of th tim. Bing in company, vn with th bst, is soon warisom and dissipating. I lov to b alon. I hav nvr found a companion that was as frindly as solitud. W ar for th most part lonlir whn w go abroad among mn than whn w stay in our homs. A man thinking or working is always alon. Solitud is not masurd by th mils of spac that intrvn btwn a man and his fllow mn. I hav found that no xrtion of th lgs can bring two minds much narr to on anothr.