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On a Crowded Bus-挤公车,On a Crowded Bus-挤公车范文

  • 教育
  • 4周前
  • 2
  • 更新:2024-06-06 16:59:56

On a Crowdd Bus-挤公车 I am a snior high studnt who has to commut from hom to school vry day. It is always an ordal for m to try to gt On a crowdd Bus. I am oftn squzd so hard that I can't brath. Onc I flt somon pushing m vry hard, and thn h touchd my rar. I couldn't turn around to s who did it bcaus I was sandwichd btwn two tall mn. I was so angry that whn th bus arrivd at my school, I clnchd my fists and lbowd my way through th crowd and got off. Thn, to my dismay, I found that my purs had bn stoln from my school bag. 我是一位每天必须通学的高中生。对我来说,要挤上公车总是一种很痛苦的考验。我常常被挤得喘不过气来。 我一次我觉得有人一直在挤我,然后他摸我屁股。我无法转遛去看是谁做的,因为我被夹在两名长人中间。在公车到达学校时,我气得紧握拳头从人群中挤下车。然后,令我惊慌的是,我发现书包的钱包被偷走了。 On a Crowdd Bus-挤公车