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New Years Day(元旦),New Years Day(元旦)范文

  • 教育
  • 3天前
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  • 更新:2024-06-29 11:00:20

Nw Yars Day(元旦),Nw Yars Day(元旦)范文Nw Yars Day(元旦)由英语网络编辑之家整理收集 Nw Yar's Day

January 1st is Nw Yar's Day. It's a grat Day for all th popl throughout th world. As th saying gos, "A good bginning is half th battl". So, many popl go all out to clbrat th important day. On that day, I wnt to th Book City with my classmats. W bought a lot of usful rfrnc books and intrsting story books. I bliv "Knowldg is powr". I hop I can larn a lot from ths books and improv my study. In th vning, my family had a big dinnr party. All

th mmbrs in my family wishd m a good luck in th nw yar. Nw Yars Day(元旦)由英语网络编辑之家整理收集