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Kunming's large temporary vaccination point is restarted, and the New Year's Day can also make vaccines.


Kunming's large temporary vaccination point is restarted, and the New Year's Day can also make vaccines.


Kunming's large temporary vaccination point is restarted, and the New Year's Day can also make vaccines.

The reporter learned that the large-scale temporary inoculation point of the Shandong Stadium is mainly in vaccination vaccination, and the new crown virus inactivated vaccine has been vaccinated for 6 months of citizen friends, and can go to the completion of the reinforcing needle vaccination.

Inspiration time: 9 am to 5 pm every day (New Year's Day can be inoculated).

Kunming's large temporary vaccination point is restarted, and the New Year's Day can also make vaccines.

Hu Yao, Director of the Tanglong Community Health Service Center, Panlong District, Shandong Street,: "First in the health code. At present, we have some vaccines to be Coles and Beijing creatures. We mainly hit the third needle stream. If there is any words, we will start inoculation if there is anything. "

The person in charge of the inoculation point reminded that the public to vaccination is entered from the No. 5 gate. Pay attention to the distance from one-meter line, and the 65-year-old and older is inoculated.

Kunming's large temporary vaccination point is restarted, and the New Year's Day can also make vaccines.

Director, Director of Topon Community Health Service Center, Panlong District: "We will continue to vaccinate in New Year's Day, and you can inoculate before 8:00 in the morning."

Kunming's large temporary vaccination point is restarted, and the New Year's Day can also make vaccines.

Citizen: "I heard that there is Co-Hing, we will come over. I think it is still to put the strengthening needle."

Kunming's large temporary vaccination point is restarted, and the New Year's Day can also make vaccines.

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Kunming's large temporary vaccination point is restarted, and the New Year's Day can also make vaccines.

Kunming Information Harbor

Source: 8099999 street lane, micro-disc dragon, Panlong District Health Bureau, Panlong District Rong Media Center

Editor: Li Guifang

Audit: Jungle

Final review: Song Jianbo

[Source: Kunming Information Port]