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幻想游记:我想象中的环球旅行-My Imaginary Trip Around .

  • 教育
  • 2周前
  • 2
  • 更新:2024-06-22 13:03:32









My Imaginary Trip Around th World

If somon offrd to pay all my xpnss for a month's holiday anywhr in th world, I would fl vry surprisd and xcitd. It would b difficult to dcid whr I wantd to go. Should I go to on plac or lots of diffrnt placs? If I wnt to on country, I could s and undrstand a lot about it. If I wnt to lots of countris, my holiday would b mor intrsting and mor xciting. I think I would dcid to fly around th world and to visit thr diffrnt countris. Th countris I would visit would b Australia, th Unitd Stats of Amrica and Knya.

If I wnt to Australia, I would stay thr for about two wks. I am sur it would b vry intrsting to visit a country which is so diffrnt from my own. Bfor I wnt thr, I would writ on of my Australian frinds. I would suggst that if it wr possibl, h should spnd a wk with m visiting Aboriginal tribs① in th northrn part of Australia. I would rally lik to find out how th Aboriginal popl liv in Australia today. My frind could xplain what w saw and h could translat what popl said bcaus h majord② in Aboriginal studis at Quns land Univrsity. Whil I was visiting Australia, I hop I could also s som of th larg citis, such as Sydny and Mlborn.

If I wnt to th Unitd Stats I would stay thr about a wk. I xpct I would start by visiting Nw York. I hav hard that Nw York is a vry xciting city. I imagin that thr ar lots of intrsting things tourists lik vry much, that th buildings ar gratly out of th ordinary and that th food is vry varid③. Aftr I had stayd two or thr days in Nw York, I would fly to San Francisco. I hop I could stay with my rlations who liv thr and I would visit th city and othr parts of California.

Finally, I would fly to Knya whr I would stay for about a wk. Thr ar thr things I would lik to do in Knya. First, I hop I could visit th coast bcaus I would lik to s th old Arab citis and njoy th bautiful bachs. Nxt, I would lik to visit a Gam Rsrv④. I imagin th wild animals----th lion, lphant and hippopotamus⑤----ar vry xciting and bautiful. Finally, I would lik to visit th Mountains of Knya whr I can s snow on th quator.

If somon offrd m this mony, I would h amazd. Unfortunatly, 1 do not think this will vr happn and I doubt if I shall vr visit ths countris.


①aboriginal trib[?$b+'ridN+nl traib]土著部落

②major['midN+] v. 主修,专攻(in)

③varid['v+rid] a. 多变化的;各种各样的

④Gam Rsrv 野生动物保护区

⑤ hippopotamus [?hip+'pt+m+s] n. 河马


